There are a bunch of positive changes: In the midst of the pandemic, we decided it was time for a new start to offer you an even better range of experiences. 

The opportunity arose to join forces with our Crime Runners friends and colleagues. The relationship with our “partner in crime” has been cooperative and amicable for years, so it was simply a logical step for us. At the same time, Crime Runners has become a top player in the international Escape Room industry. This merger will create excellent synergy effects for us, while the entire Viennese team you already know from Fox in a Box times will remain. So, you will not get rid of us.

Our old charm with new features

We start with a completely new Secret Study. 90 percent of the puzzles were completely replaced during the lockdown, the game flow and game design were changed and and expanded to include live acting performances. And so our beloved Secret Study – which was a little long in the tooth – is now a completely new experience. We also have a special opening offer: customers who have already played the game during our Fox in a Box days can play it again. Show us your old booking confirmation and you will receive a total discount of 25 euro on the game.

Now with live acting

More acting and role-playing has been a special concern of our team for years now and with the new takeover we are now able to do so. So, there will still be our classic Escape Room fun, but it will be intensified and complemented with live acting. This way you can dive deeper into the world of Locks & Clocks. And as soon as we are allowed to open again, we’ll be happy to welcome you to the Locks & Clocks Agency.

We have a lot planned for you. Stay healthy!


  • Agnes Offei-Addo

    Hallo zusammen, mein Name ist Agnes (Offei) und ich bin 27 Jahre alt. Ich habe 2022 mein Bachelorstudium an der Publizistik Uni Wien abgeschlossen und bin derzeit dabei, meinen Master in Digital Media Management zu absolvieren. Einige von euch kennen mich vielleicht bereits als euren wagemutigen Gamemaster beim Escape Room Locks & Clocks. Seit 2017 bin ich hier aktiv und stehe als Creative Mind hinter der Gestaltung unserer Blogs und Social-Media-Inhalte als auch helfe ich bei diversen weiteren Projekten, die mit Marketing zu tun haben. Ich habe großen Spaß daran, unsere kunterbunten Artikel und Inhalte zu kreieren, und meine Leidenschaft spiegelt sich in jedem einzelnen Beitrag wider. Klickt euch doch durch unsere vielfältige Blog-Sammlung und entdeckt dabei einige unterhaltsame Tipps und Ideen für eure Freizeitgestaltung. Viel Spaß beim Schmökern!

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